Legal Drift does it again!!!
There is a good news for ours readers. Recently Legaldrift won accolades in a blogging competition organized by legallyindia. The prize money Rs.10,000 would be invested in the upgradation of Legal Drift.
Two of our posts “Selling their bodies killing their souls: Plight of widows in Vrindavan and Mathura” and “Insight to Bhopal Gas Tragedy: A case lost before trial” recieved honourable mentions by the judges.
“Legaldrift’s entry Selling their bodies killing their souls: Plight of widows in Vrindavan and Mathura I thought again was very strong on the originality front, picking an issue that is not at the top of most people’s minds. This epitomises social blogging, in my opinion. It could have been the top post for me if it had contained more references and sourcing – occasionally I did not know where some of the facts or figures came from or if they were correct.”
“Legaldrift’s blog I found to be the most consistent and challenging, although I (and others) may not always have agreed with her views. A firebrand of the old school, I was amazed by her width of topics and the fervour with which she approached them. Legaldrift was not afraid to take a stand on whatever issue was on the her plate and never hid behind often legal opinions couched in qualifications. Also her posts all appeared to have been thoroughly researched.”– Kian Ganz, founder and editor of legally India.
None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for the support of our readers. I would like to thank everyone who have been a part of legal drift in any way especially to those who encouraged the launch of this venture. They have always been besides me in all my personal and professional endevours.

Thanks sir.. I read your article “In defence of Barkha Dutta” an impressive write up I must say.
Tthank you s much. Though Many ppl thought otherwise.